So many updates! First off, I just got back from Haiti one week ago. I went to Haiti with an organization called "Midwives for Haiti". I spent some time in Port au Prince with a great woman, Beth, who started the organization "Haitian Creations" which helps women learn sewing skills. She also has started an orphanage that has a tilapia pond, a chicken coop, a roof top garden and a trampoline. She is currently developing a women's health program also. We spent some time doing prenatal visits at her new clinic.
After Port au Prince, we headed to Hinche, Haiti which is in the Central Plateau. We stayed at an orphanage "Maison Fortune" with two fabulous men, Brother Michael and Brother Harry. Michael took us on adventures around the village and introduced us to his friends and co-workers.
Me with some local kids
Tiny baby and April
Overall the trip was fantastic. Emotionally exhausting and absolutely worth every second.
woah you blow my mind cassie! you are SO amazing! :)