Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's raining, overcast and cold. I'm depressed.

Someday I will be back here.
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This is what I look like with pneumonia

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San Fran

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Senior Center Bingo

It just keeps getting more depressing each time we go...but I can't stop. It's incredible.
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Why I am not so stressed...

Dashel is the sweetie on the left (I'm the sweetie on the right). He is never stressed. In fact, he is great at just sitting around and relaxing. He could read political blogs on the couch, drinking a gin and tonic (OMG, I just bought him these!!) while there was a small natural disaster occuring and not even budge. I would be packing up family photos, preparing a loaf of homemade bread, dehydrating tomoatoes and other perishables that may go bad during the disaster, organizing our book shelves and making the bed all while pacing around the house at an incredible speed (I should totally wear a pedometer). Dashel is great. I am stressed. Sometimes we both take it a little too far.
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A is for Apple

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